martes, 2 de octubre de 2007

entry 34

Are we honest?

I was reading the August edition of a very well known magazine called Reader´s Digest and i found an article that called my attention, it was called Are we Honest? and it was about a research made in 32 countries to find how honest are people araund the world. It consisted in leaving a cell phone on the floor of a public place and observe what reaction had the people that found them. The number of cell phones returned varied according to the country and whith this information they created a Ranking of Honesty.
They found that Eslovenia (a young country that got the independence from Yugoslavia in 1991) is a country with old traddition and a high sense of civism that placed it in the first place in the rank of honesty. Arentine is the number 26 in the list with 16 of 30 cell phones returned. Ironically, one of the cell phones was found by a security guard who never returned it and that´s why we are almost at the bottom of the list.
A point very important of this reseach is to find the causes that take people to behave in a dishonest way.One of the people interviewed said that the economic situation in some countries like Mexico lead people to become selfish and dishonest while others said that honesty is tied to our education, specially the one that our parents give us.
Whatever was the reason, we should bare in mind that as we find things, we may lose objects, but one never loses honesty.

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2007

entry 32

How will transpot media be in the future?

One of the biggest worries of the modern world is how to prevent car accidents in the big cities,area tragedies and specially pollution. Technology will be the key to have better transpot medias without the neccessity of a big infraestrucrure.
According to Insurance Information Institute, car accidents represent a ost of U$230 billions every year. This is why transport is considered one of the five principal problems of the planet. But thanks to the innovations in technology this will change. It is thought that in the future transport wil be safer and more efficient. Cars will have a technology of assistance for the drivers which will allow the car to develop a behaviour as if it had reflexes. They will have a sort of artificial intelligence with dispositives that will obtain information abaut the state f the roads to avoid traffic jams. A new dispositive will allow drivers to comunicate with their cars and answer mails, get instructions to avoid any accident and reproduce dvd through voice commands.
The specialists say that traveling in the future will be safer and cheaper. Appart from that, the new technology will offer the travellers more control and most importantly and will reduce pollution car accidents.
In this way the main roads will be safer and the air cleaner. Needles to say, the evolution of transport in the future will be totally positive for travellers and for our enviroment.

lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2007

article 2


Take a leaf out of book: to copy something that someone else does because it will bring you advantages. Maybe I should take a leaf out of Robert's book and start coming in at ten every morning.

Output: An amount produced or manufactured during a certain time.

Endorse: to approve, support, or sustain: to endorse a political candidate.

Whooping: To utter a loud shout or cry. See Synonyms at shout.

Footprint: a trace suggesting that something was once present or felt or otherwise important; "the footprints of an earlier civilization"

Pioneer: to be the first to open or prepare .To take part in the beginnings of; initiate: to pioneer an aid program.

Hybrid: Something of mixed origin or composition. Something, such as a computer or power plant, having two kinds of components that produce the same or similar results

Deem: To have as an opinion; judge: deemed it was time for a change.
To regard as; consider: deemed the results unsatisfactory

Framework: A fundamental structure, as for a written work. A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality.

Hammer out: discuss vehemently in order to reach a solution or an agreement; "The leaders of the various Middle Eastern countries are trying to hammer out a peace agreement"

Personal reaction:

Finally, government has started to support corporations that study climate change. As this article says , climate change will cost big companies enormous amounts of money and will strongly affect their busisnesses. Of course, they are worried about climate change after hearing the dreadfull amounts that they may lose. In a world where money is power, The biggest companies have started to work in order to reduce what they have caused.

viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2007



to go in search or quest of: to seek the truth.
to try to find or discover by searching or questioning: to seek the solution to a problem.

Personal reacction:

Violence in schools and universities has become a serious problem in the USA and the rest of the world. After the mass shooting at Virginia Tech University secutity services improved but still is not enough to stop this problem. The government should organise campaigns to prevent this problem, otherwise more people will die.

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2007

entry 31

Global warming

One of the biggest wories for those who care abaut ecology is global warming. Most of the natural disasters that have occurred are related to this problem which seems to get worse and worse with thw course of time.
This topic has become a main poit of discussion since Green Peace and other organizations started to create awareness abaut the consequences of global warming. The use of some chemicals and the waste of energy plus the air pollution are taking our enviroment to suffer the green house effects. Therefore, the temperature increases between 40 and 70 every year, dry areas become drier and natural disasters occurr with more frequency. The poorest areas like Africa and Asia are the most affected by this problem. But unfortunately, very little is being done to prevent it.
There are many things in which we can help. Simple things like reducing the use of oil or electricity or planting a tree can be really hepful for the enviroment. But for this it is necessary the support of the government because it plays a very important role in society. In addition, thre should be more campaigns to inform people abaut the ways they ca help.
In conclusion we can say that wether our planet will keep safe or not in a matter that is in our hands. We should care about the planet because is the only home we have.

entry 30

Use of blogs in the class
Typical of our culture is to make use of technology, especially computers, as a useful device to simplify work. Modern teachers use it in their classes because they consider it a tool of crucial importance for the future working class. Specially the use of blogs has attracted a great criticism among students who are required to use it.
First of all, in order to make use a blog students have to know how to use a computer, which is not the case for all of them. Most students think that the tradditional education system is enough and that computing should be learnt as an extra curricular activity. But this is because many of them can´t afford having a computer in their homes and they have to spend hours and hours in a cibercafe to post their homework. Therefore, they say that the use of blogs is a waste of time and money.
Now, it is certainly true that what students consider now a waste if time can become in a way to save time once they have developed their computer skills. Appart from that, using blogs gives them the chance to get the information they need for the class and to do their homework at any time and anywhere.
In addition to this, the use of blogs can help students to improve their writting skills which will increase their vocabulary and fluency in the language that are very important for any future job.
While at the moment there is a great discussion abaut the use of blogs in the class, a lot of people think that the results can be totally positive.
One theory is that in the years next to come, text books will be replaced by computers in schools and we have to be prepared for that.

entry 29

As everybody knows, woman´s role in society has changed a lot in the last years. The ordinary housewife who stayed at home to look after her children and husband is on the verge of extinction. Women work as their husbands and take care of the family consecutively. They have time to work, prepare food, send their children to school, clean the house etc. They have the capacity to do many things at the same time as for instance cook while dressing children and talking on the phone, isn´t that a good quality?
One of the causes of this conversion is the economic situation. One income is not enough to support the family and women have no other choice than going out to work. But the charge is heavier for women because they have much more things to do when they arrive home.
It is true that working and having a proffession is very satisfactory, but some women put their bodies to the limit and this can be fatal for their health.
I strongly believe that things in the past were better than now in the sense that mothers had time to talk with their children and spent more time with them. But now they have to employ people to do their job.
Anyway, to be a moher is every time more difficult and requires more responsabilities but it doesn´t take that women still consider it a miracle.

sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2007

entry 28

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". George Orwell, Animal Farm.
When i read this line i started to think about the idea of " being equals", which for me is not the ideal one. I´d rather prefeer to talk about a society where nobody lacks of food, health and the minimun of education.
I think that a society where a doctor has the same income than an administrative worker who hasn´t studied seven years to get a degree is unfair. Not all of us would conform whith the necessary, some people want to have much more in life and they work very hard to obtain it while others just accept what life puts on their way. So, considering all of us as "equals"is totally wrong. What would happen if we were all Einsteins? Some people sipmply shines whith proper ligth and this is the magic of human race, to be differents makes of everyone a speccial and unique person. A basic education and the same opportinities for everyone are the basis necessary for everyone to grow and become a unique human being.

miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2007

entry 27

The ghost of lady Hobby

This story is abaut a beautiful lady who lived in the days of the first Queen Elizabeth times. She was very proud of everything exeptfor her son, who had a problem to learn.She wanted him to be very good at his books but no matter how much hard he tried, it was impossible for him to learn something. So, after trying with many tutors, she decided to be his mentor. She was very hard with him, and she punished him every time he made a mistake. But the situation was getting worse and worse with the passing of time and her son couldn´t help. He was deprived of his outdoor life faced with more and more work that he could not comprehend.One day, the lady lost all the remains of her maternal patience, and started beating him with so much strengh that her son fell died on the floor.
Nobody knows the extent of her remorse when he realised what she had done; but that she died in course of time, and could find no solace or forgiveness even in the grave. And this is proved by her wandering, unquiet spirit that paces still trough the house. There are many people who testified to have seen the ghost of this cruel mother.

viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2007

entry 26

Dear luisa;

I´ve been thinking a lot about the situation you´re passing trough and i can´t avoid comparing it with my personal experience. Love is a very complicated theme and unfortunately, nobody has the right answer. I think that the most important thing is that you feel happy. Whatever you decide, has to be for your good. Maybe the trip to mendoza will help you very muvh to take a decition because distance helps to see things more clear. I´m almost sure that you´ll solve your problems very soon and you´ll be ok.
Best luck and remember you can trust on me in whatever you need.
Lots of love,

entry 25

to Luisa with all my love:

If you woke up today
and saw everything blue,
If the day finished
and nothing new happened,
If you feel that everything
is loosing sense,
Start looking to the heaven,
and you´ll see the sun behind the clouds.
Look the world that surrounds you,
and you´ll see the perfection of nature.
Look at the people you love,
and you´ll discover that they need you.
You´ll know that the sun you carry inside,
is stronger than any cloud.
You´ll keep your mind opened
and you´ll learn to solve your problems.
you´ll see the palette full of colours.
You just have to put love
in everything you do
to discover a new world.

Maybe this not the perfect poem, but i wrote it with all my love.

entry 24

Lately i´ve been under a lot of pressure in my house. I can clearly understand that my parents want the best for me , but sometimes they push me to do things in a way i´m not prepared. I know that my mother´s dream is that i graduate as soon as possible, but for some reason things didn´t go as she wanted, she can´t understand that i´m doing as much as i can to make her happy and she puts me under a lot of stress. The most common mistake of parents is to expect their children to do all the things that they didn´t do, and they don´t realise that this can be very harmful for them because sometimes they have to abandon ship when they realise that they´re not doing what they want but what their parents want.
I hope my parents will understand that i´ll do the possible to make them happy but always respecting my personal rythm.

miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2007

entryy 23

Do you believe in astrology?

People who believe in astrology tend to live their lives according to what the tarot or the horoscope says. The fact that the planets or the stars can influence in our life is still im doubt. There are no proofs of that but what is certain is that our mind can be totally influenced by astrology. It happened to me that someone once read my tarot cards. She told me many things that happened into my family like my grandfa's death. But if you think it, there is nothing speccial in what she told me, these are things that may happen to anyone. But some people who have weak minds can be easily deceived and in many cases the pay a lot of money to people whose only aim is to take from them as much money as they can. I think that we should live our lives and build our own future instead of believing in something that doesn't exist.

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2007

martes, 14 de agosto de 2007

entry 22

Back from holidays

Today is "the" day. After a month of vacations is very hard to retake responsabilities. The question that comes to my mind when i think about it is why is harder to get accostumed to responsabilities than doing nothing? Maybe because we think of our studies, woks etc as something that we " must" do and no something that we can really enjoy. For that reason i´ve decided to change my mind for this year, i will try to enjoy my return and have positive energies for everything i´ll do in this half of the year. I don´t know if this will bw useful or not but at least i will try.

entry 21

A nice dream

I close my eyes and i can see this place again. It is a paradise full of colours and silence. The sun touches gently my face and it feels warm and lovely. I know i´m walking but my feet don´t move. The only noise i can hear are the flowers and trees waving in the breeze. Its incredible colours paint the landscape as if it was heaven. I can smell the exquisite perfume of every single flower. I keep moving with my arms outstretched and the tip of my fingers touch the leaves that feel very soft. I open my eyes and i see a big lake surrounded by pine trees and a rainbow with bright colours shining behind the trees. It looks very peaceful. I want to get to the rainbow but i move very slowly. So, i close my eyes again and just wait. But when i feel i´m very close to reach the lake , i hear a loud noise that comes like an eco from far away, and it says: Lorena wake up! Its late!.My mother´s voice sounds horrible when she wakes me up from that beautiful dream. I´ve had the same dream since i as a child but i could never reach the rainbow.

entry 20

My best friend

She is the one that understand me and i know i can trust her everything. A month ago i got the sad new that she is very ill and she won´t live much more time. I can´t express with words what i felt when i heard that . She´s been my friend for thirteen years and now i´m seeing her dying. This is the saddest moment of my life. She cries for her golden hair that is falling like leaves in autum and her face is every day more pale. I can´t do anything to help her and this is killing me. I feel that she needs me but i just don´t know what to do. Whenever i see her my eyes fill with tears and i stay without speaking, so i preffer to go away. If only i had the strentgh to look at her eyes and tell her how much i love her. She is my best friend and nothing will change that....not even death.

entry 19

Generally, i don´t like to criticize other people´s behaviour. Something that i´ve learnt in the last years is that we are all different from each other and as there are things that i may or not like from someone, maybe there are things on me that other people won´t like. But a speccial feature in some people that really makes me feel uncomfortable is too much self confidence. The real problem is when they feel that their own opinions are the only valuable. What is worse, some people criticize you in a very rude way and they just don´t care if they´re causing you any harm. I´ll never forget a teacher from university who used to say that if we didn´t pass the exam was becasuse we didn´t fit for the career and that there wasn´t any teacher in all Tucuman that could teach us better than she did. Whenever i heard her saying so, i just wanted to ask her what made her feel that she was the best teacher in all Tucuman. What i thought was that she had no idea how she had to treat students and that made her a really bad teacher. She was always trying to persuade us to give up the subject, and unfortunately she succeded with many students. I think that the best way to face a situation like that is by trying no to listen to this kind of persons because otherwise you can finish by giving up everything.

Entry 18

If i had to list ten things i´d like to accomplish during my lifetime i would like to start by enjoying life as much as possible. Having into account that i´m 22 and that younghood in women lasts so little, i have to take advantage of life before it take advantage of me. Of course, enjoying life requires being responsible, so, my second accomplishment is to get my degree. If i study hard this is no so far to happen and i´ll have more chances to find a good job which is number three. After travelling to the institute for five years, the fourth thing would be to buy a car. There is no other thing that makes a woman to feel more independant than having a car. But the problem for independant women is to find a boyfriend. Men hate them because they make them feel inferior, so my fifth accomplishment is really a hard one. As a number six on my list is my wedding, the happiest day in all women´s life. A big party followed by a great honeymoon in a tropical isle. Number eight in the top ten is having children. I have always dreamt with a house full of children runnig and playing in the garden, but after nursing my nephew i´ve reduced the number to "one". The idea of living in the countryside is not the ideal for me because as a future teacher i´ll have to spend most of my time at work so i´d like to buy a flat in a centric area. The last thing of my list is the best one, after doing all the previous things i´ve mentioned before i think i´ll need a time for rest so i´d like to spend the last years of my life travelling araund the world.

entry 17

I remember discovering that Saint Nicolas didn´t exist. I was six years old and as every year i had prepared a glass of water and some biscuits for Saint Nicolas to refresh when he came to my house. But that night i left the glass of water on the floor next to the chritsmass tree which caused a loud noise when my father kicked it by mistake in the middle of the night. I jumped out of my bed and run to the chritsmass tree because i thought that Saint Nicolas had been injured. My father told me that Saint nicolas had left my present to him because he was very hurried.But next day, when i told the story to my older brothers, they laught at me and told me the dreadful true: "Saint Nicolas doesn´t exist, he is our father". I felt very dissapointed and angry with my father at that moment but my brother gave me a great idea; i never told my father that i knew the truth and in this way i i received my presents every year till no so long.

entry 16

Today i´ve decided to recover what in some way i had lost. So, there i was, picking up my nephew who i stopped seeing because other people´s problems after a sad event occurred in our family. She was three when she stopped going to my house which she visited at least twice a week.We really love her and a can´t explain the expression of my parents when she entered to my house. The little baby is five now and it is incredible how much she grew up. She is very like her father , who died two years ago in a car accident causing a break in our family. We could never be the same again when we met on sundays and having her again in my house was like turning time back. It was a mixture of happiness and melancoly. Sometimes we neglect ourselves to do things or seeing people just because we are afraid of feeling hurted. But now i realised that she was the only who suffered because she didn´t see her family for two years. Fortunately, i could realise on time and now i´ll try to fix it. Today i learnt that i have to face my fears and grow up. It is easier than i thought and i feel happy for doing it.

martes, 31 de julio de 2007

Entry n0 15

Our national psyche
Did you know argentines have a world wide reputation for being spoiled, stuck up and egotistical? People from other countries see us as folks that prettend to be what we are not and this what makes as a laughing stock.Well, for those who live in the capital it is a little true, but most argentines simply don´t fill this profile, specially people who live in rural areas. In fact, their attitudes can be very modest. Our country has a shocking 50% of the total population considered to be living in poverty and that causes families to be very close with two or three generations living in the same roof. Sundays are often reserved for family to share the tradditional "asados". Appart from that, we are well known for those little cheek kisses that are uncommon in other countries.
We look very proud of our country and this is maybe because we have a rich sceney, culture and natural resources. Bs As is a gorgeous city full of history and life. So, why wouldn´t we be proud of it? Perhaps what they see as a superior attitude is that we really love our country. We are very passionate when we enjoy of what we like to do like football, tango, going out with friends etc. Maybe that passion lead us to make some comments like "maradona is god" and this helps to get our reputation.
I think that loving our country is not a bad thing at all. The real problem would be if we thought that everybody is better than us. Argentine has a very bad government and the economic situation is not good at all, in concequence we have plenty of social problems. And the fact that despite all these problems we still love our country is what makes us different from the rest of the world.

domingo, 24 de junio de 2007

Entry nº 14

Are you conformist?
Imagine this situation; you are in a very long queue waiting for paying a bill. You are hurried but there are o lot of people before you and when it is finally your turn, someone who was behind you takes advantage that you are distracted to place before you. What would you do?
a) You think that you´ve been waiting for so long that one more makes no difference and stay quiet.
b) You ask him/her very politely if he/she would be so nice to come back to his place.
c)You get very angry and start shouting him/her that what he/she has done is totally unacceptable forcing him/her to go back to his/her place.
If you choose option a i would say that you´re the typical passive and conformist person who preffer to avoid the "hard" work of facing any type of problem and simply accept any situation. Option b can be considered a good one but you don´t have to be too much polite because this shows weakness and and people may take advantage of that. And option c is definitely not the right way to claim for something whether you are right or not. So, what shall we do?
I think that to be a non-conformist person and trying to make things change is a matter of practice. Being non-conformist sometimes means to swim against the tide and brake relations with your superiors. But if what you claim is right , you have high possibilities to succeed. The same happens with businesses, a conformist person has almost no chances to become rich.
Have always clear in your mind which is the dream( a possible one ) that you want to reach and work on it. Don´t accept unfair situations if you have the possibility to change it and most important, be yourself and do what you really want to do without causing harm to others. These are some good steps to follow if you want to succed in life. And remember that it doesn´t mean that you´ll become a heroe but......who knows?

jueves, 21 de junio de 2007

Letter to a friend

Dear Luisa,

I´m very happy for your letter. You hadn´t written to me for so long!

I´ve been thinking about your question and what i can say is that you have to make up your mind and decide which of both carees you´re studying likes you most. All you have to do is to relax and you´ll see that you´ll find the answer. Both careers History and Theatre are very differnt from each other and there must be one that attracts you more. Besides it doesn´t mean that you´ll never study the other one again, you can finish the one you choose and then continue with the other one. I really can´t undrestand how did you managed to study two careers at the same time and get such good marks in both. You did it for three years and it is understandable that you´re tired and need to abandon one ship. You put your body and brain under a lot of stress and you neeed to relax now before it affects your health.

In what respects to me, i have enough with the career i chose which consumes me a lot of time and effort.

I hope mi piece of advice will be useful for you and i wish you good luck in whatever you decide .



miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2007

Entry n0 10

Once upon on time there was a boy called Buby who was very proud and arrogant.He had plenty of money and he always used the best clothes and shoes. Buby had been grown in a beautyful house with a huge garden full of flowers and the house inside was decorated with the most exquisite frensh style. Buby's parents were always busy , they both worked all day long and when they arrived home they were too tired so they hardly had time to play with Buby or to talk to hiim. Fortunately, Buby was always surrounded of people who worked in the house, but the most friendly was his nurse Clarisse. Clarisse was the person who spent more time with him and she was very nice, but she was quite old and Buby really needed people from his own age to play with.Whenever he tried to talk about this with his parents they were too busy and didn't listen to him.
One day, in the middle of a dinner Buby jumped on the table to get his parent's attention and told them in a very loud voice: I want to go to school!!! They looked each other and said:ok Buby, you'll go to school tomorrow. Buby was so happy to hear that , that he couldn't sleep all night. So next day he put on his best clothes ans shoes and Clarisse took him to school. At school some children tried to be nice with him but Buby was so proud that the children run away from him. Buby didn´t undestand why he couldn't make any friend and this made him feel very sad. When Buby returned home he felt so sad that he din't want to eat, so Clarisse said to him :` Why are you so sad?´and Buby replied :` I couldn't make any friend at school, they run away from me´`What´s wrong with me? I told them abaut all the toys i have and abaut the six computers and the swimming pools and all the things i have and despite this they run away. Maybe i should have told them abaut the great birthday parties i have every year´ So Clarisse looked at him and said : 'You don´t need to have all those things to make friends, just try to be nice and forget abaut all material things'. Buby : 'But my parents are all day talking abaut money and they have plenty of friends' 'They say that money is the most important thing and that with it you can have whatever you want and what i want are friends' .Clarisse laught and told him : ' Money can´t buy happiness or friendship because those things are priceless'
The following day Buby forgot abaut material things and made a lot of friends , he returned home very happy and realised that he didn´t need money to be happy. His parents continued working very hard and making more money while his son enjoyed of his friends. Buby thought that one day his parents would realise that they could be happy without material things.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2007

Entry n0 9

As we know, the economic situation in our country is every time harder. Young people find it very difficult to get a jod after they graduate from high school and in most cases they cannot continue their studies because of the economic situation in their houses. Another very important fact is that as techology is improving, jobs require very well prepared people, specially in computer use and languages use.This require a level of education that secondary school doesn´t provide and as a consequence people who can´t continue their studies have no chance to get a job. As an alternative that nowadays is becoming very common, young people choose to leave the country looking for better opportunities. The most prefferred countries for imigrating are those in Europe like Spain and France. There people don´t want to make hard works so they employ to foreigns to do it. For these young people who leave the country life is not easy at all, they have to live far away from their family and they have to adapt to the place where they go.I think it´s very sad that people have to leave the place where they were grown because they have no opportinities here. It is said that Argentina is a rich country but the problem is that the richness is bad distributed. In our country there are a few peolple that are very rich and a lot of people that are very poor and as things are becoming every time more expensive, middle class is disappearing. As a conclusion i think that our government has to focus on younghood because they are the future of our country and give the chances to make a future in our country

Entry n0 8

Training criminals
Last week i was in a bar with a friend and we had a very sad experience. It was a very cold night and a boy of abaut nine years old, who was in in very thin clothes, came to our table to offer us some flowers. He was a very nice boy and he told us that he had to sell all the flowers because if he didn´t his father, who was at the corner waiting for him, would hit him. My friend bought him a bunch of flowers and as he looked hungry, we invited him some pizza.He accepted and he stayed a minutes talking to us. But some minutes later his father called him very angrily and he rushed scared. But the most stricking thing was that a moment after the boy left we realised that he had stolen my friend´s cell phone that was on the table. Why would he do that? We were very nice to him and he looked so naive! We couldn´t believe that a boy of only nine years old could steal us in such inadvertenly way. We felt like fools because we never suspected of him.
Whenever i think of that experience i feel sad because it´s not difficult to imagine the future of that boy. He, as millions of children in our country, is being trained by his parents to be a future criminal. In most cases, children who live in the streets are taken by adults who teach them to steal for them because they know that small children cannot be in jail and in most cases they are taken to reform schools where they stay for a short period.
I think that the only responsible of this problem is the governmet. they should provide these children a place to live and to be educated because the key of amy social problem is education.

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2007

Entry n0 7

Technology is changing our social life style
While i was at home last saturday i recieved a text messege on my cell phone.It was from a friend of mine inviting me to her house and i went. We had a lot to talk abaut becuse we hadn't see for at least two months. But at the moment i arrived she was connected to the internnet in a chat room.Half an hour later we werw both chatting with some people.We had more than five people talking with us at the same time and it was very confusing because at the end we didn't know who was who.The thing is that the afternoon passed very quickli and we almost din't have time to talk because we werw hooked by the computer. When i went home i realised how technology is changing oursocial life. I went there to have a conversation with my friend and i ended talking to people i don't know and maybe i will never know.Thinking about that i got to the conclusion that nowadays we pay more attention to things that are unreal for us than things that are really healthy like sharing good times with people you love.I thing that technology is in some way destroying our social life. We almost have no contact with people because it is more easy to send a message by email or cell phone, and people who don't have a computer feel excluded. I'm not against technology. on the contrary, i think it is very helpful but the thing is that we must have some control and not to be hooked by it.There are things that an email or a text message can't give you. like a hug or to see the expression of the person you're talking to. And those things can also make you happy. We have to be responsible with the use of technology and enjoy more of things that make us feel happy like nature, family and friends.

Entry n0 6

My first job
My first job was in a bakery. I was nineteen years old and i was looking for a part time job because i was studying at university. The owner of a bakery that was very close to my house offered me to work there in the mornings and i accepted. The work was quite easy because the only thing i had to do was sell bread and pastries. Of course, the most difficult thing for me was to resist to eat all those exquisite pastries. But the problem was that i'm addicted to sweets and every thing that contains, two months after i started working i had won two kilos! That means i had gained a kilo per month. So i had to do something at respect. First i tried by chewing gum but it didn't work, then i took books to read there while the bakery was empty, but the cakes had such a smell that i couldn't stop thinking abaut them! Then i only relaxed and tried to convince myself that in some moment i was going to tire of eating them. But unfortunately it didn't happen! Finally, i found a solution to my problem....i started buying bigger clothes!

viernes, 27 de abril de 2007

Entry n0 5

Chat, as fun as dangerous

Chatting in the internet can be very useful if what you want is to make friends from all over the world and have some fun.You have the chance to choose the sales according to the topics you're interested in and the region you want. It can be very interesting because you can learn things abaut other cultures and having nice conversations.The problem is that some people make a bad use of it and this can be very dangerousy uncle told me abaut a boy he met two months ago. He was from Canada and he had some kind of mental problem.A friend of my uncle told him that the boy's brother had killed himself a year ago. After his deth, the police found that he had been planning his deth with a boy from Mexico that he met in a chat room.They arranged the place, hour, and the way they were going to die. The place was Mexico so the boy travalled to there and they both killed themselves.I thing that chatting on line is a good media for criminals to comit their crimes. It doesn't mean that all the people that use chat is mad, but you don't know the person who is in the other side so , in this way,you are exposed to anything if you are not careful. I use the chat when i'm bored but i never give personal information for safety.

domingo, 15 de abril de 2007

My first experience with deth

Entry n0 3

My first experience with deth

My first experience with deth was four months ago.My granfather had cancer and i was with him the night he died. What is more, i saw him die.I had never imagined to be in a situation like that before but life have tought me that sometimes we have to be brave and just face it in the best way we can.That day i went to see my grandfather to the hospital and the doctor sad he wouldn’t resist one day more.He had been suffering from that horrible illnes for a long time and his heart was very weak.I stayed with my mother in the hospital just waiting for the moment.It was something terrible but at the same time as i was there, i couldn’t stop thinking abaut all the time he had been suffering that terrible pain and asked to god to feel compassion for him .
My grandfa was a very speccial person.His mother died when he was very small and his father married another woman who treated him very bad so his father took him to an orphanage.He lived there until he was twelve and he scaped from there and went to live in his uncle’s house in the countryside.He worked in the farm and at the age of 19 he leaved the house.He was working for a company when he met my grandma.she was seventeen and her mother didn’t like my grandfa so,a few months later, they scaped together and got married.They had four children and lived in jujuy for many years,but when the oldest was twelve they where moving to Tucuman and in the way they had an accident and my grandma died.He rised his children as he could and when they were all married,he married another woman who he had had a son with.His life was really hard and maybe that made him so cold,but i now he was a beutiful person.Maybe i would have liked him to be more sensitive but i have always admired him because of his strengh and his huge heart.

jueves, 12 de abril de 2007

Entry n0 1

Entry N0 1

I am Lorena Quispe.I am twenty-two years old.I am short and slim.I have got glossy black hair, small brown eyes and full lips.I consider myself friendly,very talkative and sensitive.I like simple things like listening to music,watching movies and spending time with my friends.

Entry N0 2

My daily life.

I was born in Tucuman on december in 1984.I’lived in Tafi Viejo all my life.I studied there until i finished my secondary studies.I studied English at university for two years but as i didn’t like it i gave up.Now i’m studying the same career in an institute called Lola Mora in the city of San Miguel de Tucuman.I live with my parents and i think i’ll continue living whith them until i finish my studies.I really want to be a teacher because i think it’s a very iteresting career and because it will give the chance prepare children to insert in the social system.I would preffer to teach to adolescents because i think i’d get on better with them than with small children. For which you have to be very patient.I am single and i hope to be so until i get my degree.I really enjoy spending time with friends and going out on saturdays.For holidays we’re planning to go to cordoba with four friends and have a lot of fun of course.I consider myself a very sociable person ,i like meeting new people and i have friends from all ages.I have two brothers older than me.Daniel is married and has a daughter called Sophia,she is beautiful and we love her very much! Oscar is studying recursos Humanos and this year he’s going to get his degree.My father is a policeman but this he’ll retire this year.I have a cat called Caty which i’ve had since i was eigth.My mother hates her because she says i spoil her.I love my family and i hope one day i’ll have one too