miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2007

entry 27

The ghost of lady Hobby

This story is abaut a beautiful lady who lived in the days of the first Queen Elizabeth times. She was very proud of everything exeptfor her son, who had a problem to learn.She wanted him to be very good at his books but no matter how much hard he tried, it was impossible for him to learn something. So, after trying with many tutors, she decided to be his mentor. She was very hard with him, and she punished him every time he made a mistake. But the situation was getting worse and worse with the passing of time and her son couldn´t help. He was deprived of his outdoor life faced with more and more work that he could not comprehend.One day, the lady lost all the remains of her maternal patience, and started beating him with so much strengh that her son fell died on the floor.
Nobody knows the extent of her remorse when he realised what she had done; but that she died in course of time, and could find no solace or forgiveness even in the grave. And this is proved by her wandering, unquiet spirit that paces still trough the house. There are many people who testified to have seen the ghost of this cruel mother.

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