martes, 2 de octubre de 2007

entry 34

Are we honest?

I was reading the August edition of a very well known magazine called Reader´s Digest and i found an article that called my attention, it was called Are we Honest? and it was about a research made in 32 countries to find how honest are people araund the world. It consisted in leaving a cell phone on the floor of a public place and observe what reaction had the people that found them. The number of cell phones returned varied according to the country and whith this information they created a Ranking of Honesty.
They found that Eslovenia (a young country that got the independence from Yugoslavia in 1991) is a country with old traddition and a high sense of civism that placed it in the first place in the rank of honesty. Arentine is the number 26 in the list with 16 of 30 cell phones returned. Ironically, one of the cell phones was found by a security guard who never returned it and that´s why we are almost at the bottom of the list.
A point very important of this reseach is to find the causes that take people to behave in a dishonest way.One of the people interviewed said that the economic situation in some countries like Mexico lead people to become selfish and dishonest while others said that honesty is tied to our education, specially the one that our parents give us.
Whatever was the reason, we should bare in mind that as we find things, we may lose objects, but one never loses honesty.

1 comentario:

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