Do you believe in astrology?
People who believe in astrology tend to live their lives according to what the tarot or the horoscope says. The fact that the planets or the stars can influence in our life is still im doubt. There are no proofs of that but what is certain is that our mind can be totally influenced by astrology. It happened to me that someone once read my tarot cards. She told me many things that happened into my family like my grandfa's death. But if you think it, there is nothing speccial in what she told me, these are things that may happen to anyone. But some people who have weak minds can be easily deceived and in many cases the pay a lot of money to people whose only aim is to take from them as much money as they can. I think that we should live our lives and build our own future instead of believing in something that doesn't exist.
miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2007
jueves, 16 de agosto de 2007
martes, 14 de agosto de 2007
entry 22
Back from holidays
Today is "the" day. After a month of vacations is very hard to retake responsabilities. The question that comes to my mind when i think about it is why is harder to get accostumed to responsabilities than doing nothing? Maybe because we think of our studies, woks etc as something that we " must" do and no something that we can really enjoy. For that reason i´ve decided to change my mind for this year, i will try to enjoy my return and have positive energies for everything i´ll do in this half of the year. I don´t know if this will bw useful or not but at least i will try.
Today is "the" day. After a month of vacations is very hard to retake responsabilities. The question that comes to my mind when i think about it is why is harder to get accostumed to responsabilities than doing nothing? Maybe because we think of our studies, woks etc as something that we " must" do and no something that we can really enjoy. For that reason i´ve decided to change my mind for this year, i will try to enjoy my return and have positive energies for everything i´ll do in this half of the year. I don´t know if this will bw useful or not but at least i will try.
entry 21
A nice dream
I close my eyes and i can see this place again. It is a paradise full of colours and silence. The sun touches gently my face and it feels warm and lovely. I know i´m walking but my feet don´t move. The only noise i can hear are the flowers and trees waving in the breeze. Its incredible colours paint the landscape as if it was heaven. I can smell the exquisite perfume of every single flower. I keep moving with my arms outstretched and the tip of my fingers touch the leaves that feel very soft. I open my eyes and i see a big lake surrounded by pine trees and a rainbow with bright colours shining behind the trees. It looks very peaceful. I want to get to the rainbow but i move very slowly. So, i close my eyes again and just wait. But when i feel i´m very close to reach the lake , i hear a loud noise that comes like an eco from far away, and it says: Lorena wake up! Its late!.My mother´s voice sounds horrible when she wakes me up from that beautiful dream. I´ve had the same dream since i as a child but i could never reach the rainbow.
I close my eyes and i can see this place again. It is a paradise full of colours and silence. The sun touches gently my face and it feels warm and lovely. I know i´m walking but my feet don´t move. The only noise i can hear are the flowers and trees waving in the breeze. Its incredible colours paint the landscape as if it was heaven. I can smell the exquisite perfume of every single flower. I keep moving with my arms outstretched and the tip of my fingers touch the leaves that feel very soft. I open my eyes and i see a big lake surrounded by pine trees and a rainbow with bright colours shining behind the trees. It looks very peaceful. I want to get to the rainbow but i move very slowly. So, i close my eyes again and just wait. But when i feel i´m very close to reach the lake , i hear a loud noise that comes like an eco from far away, and it says: Lorena wake up! Its late!.My mother´s voice sounds horrible when she wakes me up from that beautiful dream. I´ve had the same dream since i as a child but i could never reach the rainbow.
entry 20
My best friend
She is the one that understand me and i know i can trust her everything. A month ago i got the sad new that she is very ill and she won´t live much more time. I can´t express with words what i felt when i heard that . She´s been my friend for thirteen years and now i´m seeing her dying. This is the saddest moment of my life. She cries for her golden hair that is falling like leaves in autum and her face is every day more pale. I can´t do anything to help her and this is killing me. I feel that she needs me but i just don´t know what to do. Whenever i see her my eyes fill with tears and i stay without speaking, so i preffer to go away. If only i had the strentgh to look at her eyes and tell her how much i love her. She is my best friend and nothing will change that....not even death.
She is the one that understand me and i know i can trust her everything. A month ago i got the sad new that she is very ill and she won´t live much more time. I can´t express with words what i felt when i heard that . She´s been my friend for thirteen years and now i´m seeing her dying. This is the saddest moment of my life. She cries for her golden hair that is falling like leaves in autum and her face is every day more pale. I can´t do anything to help her and this is killing me. I feel that she needs me but i just don´t know what to do. Whenever i see her my eyes fill with tears and i stay without speaking, so i preffer to go away. If only i had the strentgh to look at her eyes and tell her how much i love her. She is my best friend and nothing will change that....not even death.
entry 19
Generally, i don´t like to criticize other people´s behaviour. Something that i´ve learnt in the last years is that we are all different from each other and as there are things that i may or not like from someone, maybe there are things on me that other people won´t like. But a speccial feature in some people that really makes me feel uncomfortable is too much self confidence. The real problem is when they feel that their own opinions are the only valuable. What is worse, some people criticize you in a very rude way and they just don´t care if they´re causing you any harm. I´ll never forget a teacher from university who used to say that if we didn´t pass the exam was becasuse we didn´t fit for the career and that there wasn´t any teacher in all Tucuman that could teach us better than she did. Whenever i heard her saying so, i just wanted to ask her what made her feel that she was the best teacher in all Tucuman. What i thought was that she had no idea how she had to treat students and that made her a really bad teacher. She was always trying to persuade us to give up the subject, and unfortunately she succeded with many students. I think that the best way to face a situation like that is by trying no to listen to this kind of persons because otherwise you can finish by giving up everything.
Entry 18
If i had to list ten things i´d like to accomplish during my lifetime i would like to start by enjoying life as much as possible. Having into account that i´m 22 and that younghood in women lasts so little, i have to take advantage of life before it take advantage of me. Of course, enjoying life requires being responsible, so, my second accomplishment is to get my degree. If i study hard this is no so far to happen and i´ll have more chances to find a good job which is number three. After travelling to the institute for five years, the fourth thing would be to buy a car. There is no other thing that makes a woman to feel more independant than having a car. But the problem for independant women is to find a boyfriend. Men hate them because they make them feel inferior, so my fifth accomplishment is really a hard one. As a number six on my list is my wedding, the happiest day in all women´s life. A big party followed by a great honeymoon in a tropical isle. Number eight in the top ten is having children. I have always dreamt with a house full of children runnig and playing in the garden, but after nursing my nephew i´ve reduced the number to "one". The idea of living in the countryside is not the ideal for me because as a future teacher i´ll have to spend most of my time at work so i´d like to buy a flat in a centric area. The last thing of my list is the best one, after doing all the previous things i´ve mentioned before i think i´ll need a time for rest so i´d like to spend the last years of my life travelling araund the world.
entry 17
I remember discovering that Saint Nicolas didn´t exist. I was six years old and as every year i had prepared a glass of water and some biscuits for Saint Nicolas to refresh when he came to my house. But that night i left the glass of water on the floor next to the chritsmass tree which caused a loud noise when my father kicked it by mistake in the middle of the night. I jumped out of my bed and run to the chritsmass tree because i thought that Saint Nicolas had been injured. My father told me that Saint nicolas had left my present to him because he was very hurried.But next day, when i told the story to my older brothers, they laught at me and told me the dreadful true: "Saint Nicolas doesn´t exist, he is our father". I felt very dissapointed and angry with my father at that moment but my brother gave me a great idea; i never told my father that i knew the truth and in this way i i received my presents every year till no so long.
entry 16
Today i´ve decided to recover what in some way i had lost. So, there i was, picking up my nephew who i stopped seeing because other people´s problems after a sad event occurred in our family. She was three when she stopped going to my house which she visited at least twice a week.We really love her and a can´t explain the expression of my parents when she entered to my house. The little baby is five now and it is incredible how much she grew up. She is very like her father , who died two years ago in a car accident causing a break in our family. We could never be the same again when we met on sundays and having her again in my house was like turning time back. It was a mixture of happiness and melancoly. Sometimes we neglect ourselves to do things or seeing people just because we are afraid of feeling hurted. But now i realised that she was the only who suffered because she didn´t see her family for two years. Fortunately, i could realise on time and now i´ll try to fix it. Today i learnt that i have to face my fears and grow up. It is easier than i thought and i feel happy for doing it.
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